Secondary school applications close on 31/10/24.
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Edisford Primary School

Confidence. Persistence. Getting Along. Organisation. Resilience.

Year 3 Blackburn Rovers Trip Checklist

Dear Parents,


Some quick reminders for our trip tomorrow:


· Children should arrive in school promptly at 8.55am as we are leaving at 9.15am.

· Dress code: appropriate sportswear, e.g. tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers or pumps (children can wear this to school).

· Girls with long hair should have their hair tied back; no earrings to be worn to school.

· Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch and a bottle of water.

· If your child requires an inhaler, please ensure they have it with them.

· We should return to school before the end of the school day (traffic permitting).


Many thanks.


Kind regards,


Mrs Callus
