Edisford Primary School
Confidence. Persistence. Getting Along. Organisation. Resilience.
Our phenomenal new House pennants were unveiled in Friday's House Assembly! We think you'll agree that Mrs Pye and her team of artists have done a simply outstanding job!! These wonderful pennants will be used in House Assemblies and on special occasions, such as Sports Days.
A huge vote of thanks to Mrs Pye for her superbly creative work on this project and to the young Year 5 artists who designed the mystical dragons! Such creativity and teamwork really do sum up what Edisford is all about!
And the winner is..... SMAUG!
Congratulations to all members of Smaug on winning the 2017/18 House Cup for sports!
As part of the areas of motivational learning which underpin all teaching and learning at Edisford, children from Reception to Year 6 are sorted into Houses and earn House Points during sporting tournaments and for weekly awards such as: Amazing Achievements, Marvellous Manners and Terrific Tidying. In 2017, a whole school election took place to decide on new and exciting House names with a theme of 'Mythical Creatures and Dragons'!
House names and colours are as follows:
Doomfang Green
Nightfury Red
Skullion Blue
Smaug Purple
Children wear their House colour t-shirts for P.E. lessons and tournaments, creating a rainbow of colour.
A special House Election Committee, composed of Key Stage 2 children, researched our mythical creatures and produced impressive biographies to enable us to learn more about their special characteristics and powers. Click on the link below to read each creature's biography and find out more!