Secondary school applications close on 31/10/24.
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Edisford Primary School

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Sharing of Work and Achievements

Send any photos of achievements or work during the closure to us and we'll share it here (email to

Kimberley's Song for Nursery Staff 😍🎉🎓

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How lovely, Kimberley! Thank you! 😍

Kimberley's Graduation! 🎓😃

Last weekend, Kimberley's family held a mini graduation celebration for her. What a wonderful way to mark the end of her nursery journey.

We love your graduation cap and gown, Kimberley! Congratulations! We can't wait to see you in Reception in September! 😃🎉

Keira and Holly's Week 😃

Holly’s theme was pirates this week. She loved making a treasure map and had loads of fun playing the captain orders game with Keira!

They both completed a cycling challenge in June. Holly completed 25 miles and Keira completed 50 miles. They loved showing off their medals! 

Wow, girls! The cycling challenge is fantastic! Well done to you both! So glad you enjoyed the pirate theme. 😍🚲

Eleanor's Week 😃

This week Eleanor has been learning 2D and 3D shapes. We have been on a shape hunt looking for different shapes and found lots of signs on a nearby building site. 
We have been learning fractions and sharing using real pizza to help. 
Eleanor loved watching a programme about Egypt and the pyramids and made her own pyramid out of cubes.
We are recapping phonics and played phonic ‘bug swat’ with a fly swat which she loves. 

Wonderful, Eleanor! 😍

Eleanor's Wonderful Work 😃

Eleanor has read Sally and the Limpet and the Light Keeper's Lunch before painting her own lighthouse and Mr and Mrs Grinling  - it's enormous! She and her mummy made an ice cream stall and looked at the value of money, playing travel agents.  Eleanor used the booking forms to practise her handwriting. 

This all looks fantastic, Eleanor! You've been so busy! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us! 😃😍

Jessica's Mary Anning Presentation. 😃 Wonderful, Jessica!

Kimberley's Wonderful Work 😃

Following on from the last lot of beach work Kimberley shared - the weather was finally nice enough to go to a beach where we had the whole place to ourselves 😀 We have also been learning about natural soap leaves we can use to wash our hands with whilst out and about and learning about the different plants and trees whilst on our walks (neither girls were fans of the smell from the masses of wild garlic!)

After watching The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch story Kimberley designed her idea of a disgusting sandwich and we made her favourite sandwich for the day which ended up being ham, cream cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup!

She has also been measuring ingredients and helping to make a Teddy shaped chocolate cake plus gluten and dairy free "penguin" chocolate bars. Her favourite part of baking is licking the spoon and bowls clean 😂

We have been looking at different shapes and she knows how to phonically sound out some of her name complete with the songs and actions. She also wanted to take part with the Ickabog drawing so described to her Dad what she thought the Ickabog looked like so he could draw it and then she coloured it in.

Wow, Kimberley! You have been busy! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us! 😍

Rachel's Wonderful Work 😃

Here's some of the work Rachel has done including her Roman leaflet she did a little time ago which we love and designed her own lockdown puzzle. She has been baking lots and enjoyed baking with a friend via a video call where they bake the same thing together each week. Last week they baked a chocolate cake and this week traditional South African Crunchies. She has also made melt in the middle chocolate lava puddings. All gluten and dairy free so everyone can enjoy them. 

The same baby house sparrow made his way back into our house for a second time. We named him Tweety and after we put him back outside again, his parents left him in the evening and he was too exhausted to fly after hurting his wing so we took him in for the night, offered him some food and a shallow dish of water. After a sleep inside our home we put him back outside for his parents at 5:30am once we heard his siblings calling and within a few hours he had flown off. He still comes back to visit, and has since hit into our windows on multiple occasion 😂

Lovely to see all your news and to hear how Tweety is doing, Rachel! Thank you for sharing with us. 😍


Aalia has chosen Boudicca for her Inspirational Person presentation - great choice, Aalia and a wonderful presentation! Well done! 😃

Louisa's Stephen Hawking Video 😃

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Louisa has done a fabulous job of making a Stop Motion Animation video all about Stephen Hawking! Well done, Louisa! This is amazing!! 😍📹

Emily and Sophie's Week 😃

Last week Emily and Sophie loved reading the Reception class book of the week 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'. They made sandwiches for Mr Grinling then afterwards wrote instructions how to make them. We also set a zip-wire up in the garden to get his lunch to him and made junk models of lighthouses from kitchen roll tubes and yogurt pots. 

Wow! Girls, this is fantastic! Well done and thank you for sharing with us. 😃😍

Harry's Winch Line (The Light House Keeper's Lunch)😃

After reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, Harry has completed his winch line from the cottage to the light house. Great job, Harry!😃  

Keira and Holly's Wonderful Work 😃

Above are Keira and Holly’s letter and postcard to their Auntie Laura who lives in Staffordshire and is a teacher. Keira really enjoyed this week's money task.

Well done, girls! This looks great! 😃

🏖Milly's Seaside Scene 😃 Wonderful, Millie!

Millie wanted to share her seaside picture with you. She's worked really hard on this. She went to the beach to collect shells and sand to stick on, learnt how to make paper boats and followed a YouTube video to draw a sandcastle. We learnt all about the different sealife in her new sticker pack too.

This is wonderful, Millie! 🏖😃

Lily's Georgia O'Keefe Presentation 😃🎨🖌 Fantastic, Lily!

Zac and Dylan have certainly been busy! 😃☀️ That tower is immense!

Maizie's French Travel Brochure 🇫🇷😃 Bravo, Maizie!

Henry's Work 😃

Kimberley's Activities 😍🏖

Here is some of the work Kimberley has been doing. Rachel decided she wanted to join in on this weeks work with the beach theme and what she would take to the beach 😀

This looks lovely, Kimberley (and Rachel!). Hopefully, the beautiful weather will return soon and we can visit the beach for real! ☀️😍

Jessica's French Report 🇫🇷😃 Bravo!

Jessica's Letters to Friends and Family 😍 Lovely!

More from Rachel 😃🐦

Here is some work Rachel has done. We also had nature visit our home on Thursday when one of the baby birds which is nesting outside our home managed to get himself stuck inside our home in a vent, so after we rescued him, we fed him some water and food and kept an eye on him as his parents found him in our garden and begun to feed him. After two hours, he was strong enough to fly off with his parents. I think Rachel and Kimberley would have been more than happy to have kept him!

Wonderful photos, Rachel! Thank you for sharing with us and well done for caring for the baby bird so well. 🐦😍

Rachel's Science Work 😃🦷

Ethan's Letter 😃 Thank you, Ethan - it's lovely!

Jack's Fossil Adventure! This is fabulous, Jack! Well done! 😃👍

Harry's Be Safe at the Sea Poster! 😃🐬 Great job, Harry!

Theo's Letter to Grandma! 😃

Maizie's Week in Pictures! 😍

Maizie has been really busy! Learning about under the sea in half term, she and her sisters made a jelly bath in the paddling pool and had a great time! She also visited Gisburn forest and made dens with sticks and fabric. A face mask activity during half term left Maizie looking very convincing as a leopard! 🐆 She has also been sewing.  Wow! What wonderful activities, Maizie! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos with us! We love them! 😄😍

Eleanor has been busy again this week! 😍😃

Another busy week for Eleanor this week we have read Jack and the beanstalk and done lots of activities around that theme. 
Eleanor is growing sunflowers and hopes they grow as big as a beanstalk.
Eleanor has been learning to count from 10 to 20. 

This all looks wonderful, Eleanor! You certainly deserve that superstar award!! Well done!😃 🌟

Eleanor's Busy Week! 😍

The week before half term Eleanor learnt all about the body and how it works.
Eleanor loved building the skeleton and seeing the bones especially the arm as she broke her elbow 2 years ago so she was fascinated seeing how it will have mended. 
We walked from our house to the school gates and counted the steps it takes. It takes 541 Eleanor sized steps from our front door. 
Eleanor loved watching Mrs Holden reading the stories on the school website as well.

Wow, Eleanor! You have been a busy bee! 🐝😍 Fantastic!

Counting to 10 in French! 🇫🇷

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Holly has worked really hard on her counting in French - bravo, Holly! 😍

Holly has been learning all about bees and spotted lots in her garden! 🐝😍🌷

Keira's Family Tree in French! 🇫🇷 C'est fantastique, Keira! 😍

Theo's French 🇫🇷😃

For today's French, Theo chose to find the names of different fruit in French. He liked the French for pineapple the most. 😃🇫🇷

Ananas is a really cool word, isn't it?! Bravo, Theo!

Juliet has been making brownies and writing up the recipe for her instructional writing task - they look delicious and your recipe is beautiful, Juliet! 😍

Theo's French vocabulary work - fantastique, Theo! 😃🇫🇷

Ethan's Cooking and Writing! 😃 Wonderful job, Ethan!

Ethan has enjoyed helping with the BBQ, where we made sausage sandwiches for lunch. Once we had made our sandwiches Ethan was able to complete the written aspect of his homework (how to make a sandwich).

Looks fantastic, Ethan! Bon appétit! 😃

Spencer and Alice's Lovely Activities!

Here are some photos of what Alice and I have been up to. 
We made a lasagne from Mummy’s instructions, we have been crafting animals, celebrating VE Day and making fruit kebabs. We also did an alphabet scavenger hunt and and made a positivity box to fill with things we are good at and thankful for. 

These activities all look so lovely, Spencer and Alice!😍 Those chef hats look amazing on you both! 👍 Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos with us! 😃

France by Cameron! 🇫🇷😃 Very informative, Cameron! Bravo!

Dexter's Wonderful Work! 😃

Dexter has been extremely busy in recent weeks!

He made a maths game: move your space if you land on heads using a coin, get your sum correct and collect a jigsaw piece. First to get all pieces and land on finish is the winner! 😃

For his European leaflet, Dexter chose three places he hasn’t been to, but we would all like to visit hopefully one day.

When has written the recipe and method for a delicious-looking Victoria sponge, and then only had help with the oven! He did an amazing job and it was very tasty! (We're envious, Dexter😉).

He has made an aerial view map of our walk...and key for the map, as well as a graph...hmmmm using skittles! Giant ones! 

Measuring ....I’ve grown! My uniform may not fit me when I come back to school 🙈

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely activities with us, Dexter! We love them! 😍

Ethan Rocks! We love your report all about rocks, Ethan! Well done!😃

Hi Year 2,

We have a lockdown baby!!

Mr Sticky Stickerson and his family would like to announce the safe arrival of their lock down baby Sticky!

They would like Year 2's help in deciding on a name for their new baby!
Once we have everybody’s entries we will draw a name out of a hat.

Lots of love
Mr Stickerson and family xx


Send your name choices to and we will pass them onto Mr Stickerson and his family! 

Mr Sticky Stickerson's Family xx

Update from Mr Sticky Stickerson and Family! 😍

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Emily wanted to share an important event with all of Year 2!

😍Jess' Magnificent Magna Carta and Other Creative Projects! 😃

Jess has been learning all about King John and the Magna Carta. She has even made her own Magna Carta with the rules she would bring in. 
As you know Jess loves being creative and has been doing some painting on canvas in all this beautiful sunshine! 
The girls decided to do a splatter handprint picture for a lockdown memory x 

This look marvellous, Jess! Very well done! We also love the splatter handprint picture, girls! 😍👏

✈️Emily's First Flight! 😃

Emily has enjoyed learning about the first aeroplanes this week, she even decided to make her own. Introducing the amazing Orange 57 aeroplane! It is an eco friendly bi plane that runs on oranges and has chocolate orange scented seats!! She has had lots of fun taking it for test flights. Soon to be in airports near you! Xx 

We love your plane, Emily! Let us know when you're taking passengers!! 👍😃✈️

Europe by Ethan 😃🌏 Fantastic work, Ethan!

Lewis' Europe PowerPoint. 🌏😃 Fantastic, Lewis!

🌏Harri's Geography Project: Amazing Places 😃 Your project certainly is amazing, Harri - well done!

Harri's Science Project 😃

Harri has been working really hard on his science project about Vitamins. He was interested to know about them so chose the topic.

This looks amazing, Harri! How informative! Thank you for sharing your project with us! 😃

Juliet has been loving the Year 2 First Flight topic this week! ✈️😃

Juliet is enjoying the Wright Brothers topic this week and is looking forward to experimenting with different paper aeroplanes! Above is a photo of Juliet with her fact file on the Wright brothers.

Thank you for sending in your wonderful work, Juliet! We're so glad you're enjoying this fab topic! 😃✈️👍

What a lovely thought from Lydia! Thank you so much from all of the Edisford team! 😍

Rafael has been working really hard on an amazing PowerPoint all about Amazing Places Europe! Well done, Raf!😃 🌏

Scarlett has drawn the star of her story for us: Dashing Dylan! We love your picture, Scarlett! 😍

Eleanor's Wonderful Activities 😃😍

Hi, last week we learnt all about transport and incorporated it into Eleanor’s learning at home. 
Eleanor played the role of bus driver and I was her passenger. 
Eleanor made a boat out of tin foil and counted how many 1ps it took to make the boat sink, it took 43! 
Another busy week this week - we are learning about the human body. 

This all looks amazing, Eleanor! Thank you for sharing your lovely activities with us! 😃

🇬🇧To honour VE Day, Aalia has done a few paragraphs on Germany surrendering to England. Well done, Aalia!😃

Jess and Emily's Week 😍🇬🇧

Jess and Emily have well and truly had green fingers this week learning all about flowers. 
We have been dissecting, sketching and painting, planting and learning all about the different parts. 
The sunflowers are growing well and Jess and Emily have been measuring them every couple of days! They are now 10cms tall! 
As well as maths and English they have been learning about VE Day! They made bunting and decorated the outside of our house.
The girls have been watching a starling feeding her chicks in our neighbours roof. This inspired them to make a bird box with their dad. 
They have painted it and need to varnish it ready for the birds! 
We are missing everyone lots.

This all looks so lovely, Jess and Emily!  Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful activities with us - we miss you lots too! 😍

😃Scarlett's Short Story - The Mystical Fog!😍 Great job, Scarlett!

Hamza's has been using marbles as part of his concrete maths learning - great job, Hamza! 😃

Lewis has made a PowerPoint all about the UK - great work, Lewis! 😃🌏👍

Eleanor's Wonderful Work 😀

Last week, Eleanor learnt all about minibeasts whilst learning lots about numbers 1-20 and number bonds 1-10. 
We went on a bug hunt and went fishing for tadpoles. 

Wonderful, Eleanor! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely activities with us! 😊👍🐸

Luca's news! 😃👍 Thank you for sending in your photos, Luca!

Louisa has been learning about the digestive system! 😃👍 Looks great, Louisa!

Lyndon's Wonderful Work! 😃 Well done, Lyndon!

Isa's Wonderful Work! 😃 Well done, Isa!

Meet Ramsay...Lyndon's latest creation! So impressive, Lyndon! Well done! 🤖🦾😃👍

Amina's Book Review📚😃 Wonderful, Amina! 😍

Hamza's Book Review 📚😃 Great job, Hamza! 😍

Celebrating VE Day in School 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧

😊 Karolina's Victorian Research 👑👍 Well done, Karolina! You have found out so many things!

😍Sibling Reading 📚

Wilf has really enjoyed reading George's Marvellous Medicine this week - devouring it in 3 days with a little help from his sister Louisa! It was lovely to see and hear them enjoying reading together 😀

Wonderful, Wilf and Louisa! We're so glad you enjoyed this marvellous book! 😃

Keira and Holly's Wonderful Work! 😍👍

This week Holly had fun learning about the lifecycle of frogs and Keira enjoyed learning about rocks and writing instructions on how to pot a plant. Wonderful photos, girls!  Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work and activities with us! 😍🐸🌷

Henry's work this week - looks great, Henry! 😃👍

Luca and Leo share their wonderful work and activities! This looks great, boys! You have certainly been busy! 😃👍

😃Luca and Tom’s Architecture maths and English quiz

Hamza's Gruffalo Description 😃 This is fabulous, Hamza! Well done!

🌏Hamza and Amina: British Isles Work 🇬🇧😃 Well done to both of you!

Maizie's Fantastic Flower Work! 🌷🌺😃

Maizie has been looking at flowers: dissecting them to identify their parts, exploring the parts with a microscope and creating hammered flower pictures on fabric (we love this idea, Maizie!).

What wonderful work you have produced! Well done and thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us! 😍 🌺 🌷

Ashton and Lewis 😃

Ashton and Lewis have been doing activities from their alphabet activity jars: here are some pictures of the activities they have been enjoying.  These look great fun, boys! 😃

Lewis has also made a puzzle book on Excel.  This looks really interesting, Lewis.👍 If anyone would like one, Lewis and his parents are offering to drop one off on their  daily walk.  How kind - thank you! 😍

Lenny's Wonderful Work 😃🗺📚

Lenny took photographs along the route of one of his walks to make a photo map and then transferred that information to make his 'Bird's eye view' map with key.  He has also written a book review for the book 'The Beast.' This looks wonderful, Lenny!  Well done and thank you for sharing with us! 😃 👍


🧁Theo's Baking 😃

Theo has enjoyed baking lots over the last few weeks after he and his family finally managed to buy flour! Here are his smiley face cup cakes. Made all by himself! Sharing some with friends and neighbours to hopefully make them smile too! 😀😍

These look scrumptious, Theo!  It is very hard finding flour at the moment, isn't it?! 

Amina's Gruffalo Description 😍 This is wonderful, Amina! 👍

😍Maizie's Tadpoles! 🐸

Teddy's Map 🗺😃 Great job, Teddy!

🇲🇽Lydia's Mexican Travel Guide 😃 This looks lovely and so professional, Lydia! Well done!

Henry's Clitheroe Tourist Information Brochure 🏰😃 This looks great, Henry!

Eleanor's Wonderful Work 😍🚀

Last week Eleanor learnt all about space. She looked at a lovely book called Planet Awesome and picked out some words that she knows. She built a space rocket and learnt lots of maths activities using a dice and counting cubes.   Wow! This all looks amazing, Eleanor!  We love your rocket! 🚀😍 Well done, Eleanor! 

😃 Emily's Lovely Activities 🌏

Emily took a dive into the ocean last week in geography! She has been learning all about the continents, the ocean zones and which animals live there. 
She loves seals so really enjoyed this! 
Emily and Juliet had a video call and became divers ready for their week under sea! 
Emily has also been learning about shape and tens and units. 

Wow, Emily!  You have been a busy bee! What lovely work you have produced! Well done! 😍😃

Jess's Lovely Activities 😍🇲🇽

Jess really enjoyed geography last week. She made a menu/recipe book and a traveller's guide to Mexico before cooking some lovely fajitas for the family! Yum! She has been working hard reading scales in maths! 

Great stuff, Jess! Your fajitas look delicious and your work superb! Well done!😍🇲🇽

Isaac's Activities 😃

Isaac has enjoyed doing the nursery activities. He especially liked hunting for mini beasts and looking at them using a magnifying glass. He’s been on lots of walks and has been growing vegetables in the garden. He is missing his friends at nursery but is excited to come to Edisford school in September. We're looking forward to seeing you, Isaac! What lovely activities! 😃 ☀️

Spencer's Mexican Food PowerPoint

These recipes look delicious, Spencer!  Thank you so much for sharing them with us! 😃

😃Hope's Lovely Activities

Hope has been very busy doing lots of maths, English sheets and reading. She’s baked Easter cakes and is going to be baking a cheese cake for Sunday’s dessert 😋 Hope has really enjoyed the creative challenges and made an Easter tree, followed by the weather chart and water cycle poster. She is keeping in contact with friends on FaceTime which has been lovely, but she is looking forward to seeing them properly very soon.

This all sounds lovely, Hope!  Thank you so much for sharing your activities with us. We hope to be seeing you properly soon too! 😍

😃Juliet and Evan's Photos 🗺

Juliet has now completed reading the 3 Faraway Tree stories and is ready to start the 4th book next, after that she will write a book review.  She also plans to write the 5th Faraway Tree story since Enid Blyton is no longer with us. Here is a photo from when she finished the book and a photo of the world map she had memorised and drawn.  We love this, Juliet, and can't wait to read the 5th Faraway Tree story! 😍

Evan has made homemade lasagne and 3 different garlic breads all from scratch (for his Chef's badge with Scouts).  This looks delicious, Evan! Well done! 😃👍


Keira and Holly's Lovely Work 😍

Here is Keira with her map showing her favourite bike ride and her play script which also involves the bike ride.  yes😍🚲

Holly enjoyed learning about mini beasts and here is her favourite mini beast Gaston the Ladybird.🐞😃

🇲🇽Maizie's Mexican Travel Brochure. This looks great, Maizie! Well done! 😃

Rachel and Kimberley's Wonderful Activities! 😃

Rachel and Kimberley, you have been very busy! What a lot of wonderful activities you have shared with us! Thank you! It's lovely to see your sisterly teamwork shining through.😍 

😃Louisa's Water Cycle Poster. Wonderful work, Louisa!

🗺Elliot's Favourite Walk Aerial View/Map 😃 This looks wonderful, Elliot!

🇬🇧😃Olive's UK Poster

Olive has been learning about the UK this week, including each country's flag and flower and the geography of each country in the uk. She has also plotted Clitheroe on her map!  

Well done,Olive!  This looks amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us. yes blush

Wilf's Activities 😃

As well as lots of walks and bike rides, Wilf has been doing some baking. He is really enjoying this week's Geography topic.  He is missing his friends and teachers. 😍

Thank you so much for sharing what you've been getting up to with us, Wilf! So lovely to see your photos! 


Jack's Wonderful Work and Activities 😃

Jack has been busy. He’s been watching lots of nature documentaries and taking part in Steve Backshall’s live online wildlife sessions each week. He has also been doing several of the BBC Bitesize activities, complete tasks about partitioning and column addition, adjectives and adverbs and the changing states of solids, liquids and gases. Yesterday, he did an experiment about liquid density. Last week, Jack stayed up late to watch Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night with his mum and loved the slapstick humour of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew Aguecheek. 

Jack, you certainly have been busy! What a lot of wonderful activities! Thank you for sharing them with us! blush

Mr Sticky Stickerson eating his breakfast! 🌱😃

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Thank you to Emily for sending us these clips of Mr Sticky Stickerson eating his breakfast this morning! He's grown so much, Emily!😁

Mr Sticky Stickerson's breakfast #2 🌱

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George's Geography! 🌏😃

George has enjoyed using the globe at home this week, learning all about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans.  Well done, George, and thank you for sharing with us. 😃

😃🇲🇽Maizie's Mexican Adventure!

Frankie's Poetry Recital 😍

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😃What a wonderful poetry recital and smile, Frankie! Thank you so much for sharing them both with us! 😀

🇲🇽Theo's Mexican Travel Guide PowerPoint. Great work, Theo! 😃

Lyndon's Mexican Work 🇲🇽😃

Lyndon has been busy researching Mexico: writing a beautiful travel guide, creating a gorgeous mask and whipping up some wonderful Mexican cuisine!  He has also made a lovely and thoughtful card to cheer up local businesses who are closed.  Wonderful, Lyndon! Thank you so much for sharing all your lovely activities with us. 😍🇲🇽👍

😀Aalia's Roman Research🛡

Aalia's Roman Research PowerPoint 🛡😃

Well done, Aalia!  Your Roman shield and PowerPoint are amazing!  🛡😀👍 Thank you for sharing them with us!  We like that your brother has 'photo bombed' one of your photos! 😁

😃Niamh's Poetry Recital

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Niamh, your smile certainly is infectious! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic poetry recital with us! We are all smiling with you! 😍

Elliot's Wonderful Work! 😀 🪐

Elliot has written a book report as well as creating a solar system with a fact file for each planet.  He has also been reading and practising times table every day.  Well done, Elliot! Thank you for sharing your activities with us. blush


Ethan and Cameron have been doing an online exercise class called Poundfit - well done, boys! 👍 😀

Harri's WWII Fact File 😃

😀Sophie's Capacity Work.

Sophie  enjoyed her capacity work last week. She wrote a recipe for a magic potion and measured out the ingredients in millilitres. Emily and Luke joined in with the potion making too!

This looks fabulous, Sophie!  Well done and thank you for sharing with us! blush

Harri's Newspaper Article 🌳😃

Harri has used our recent tree planting as inspiration for his newspaper article.  Well done, Harri! blush

Luke's Roman shield🛡 Looks great, Luke! 😀

Jess and Emily's Wonderful Work! 😍

Jess and Emily had fun learning about history last week! 
Emily found out about the Great Fire of London 🔥 and did a fab painting! 
Jess researched the Battle of Hastings🛡and painted a great extract from the Bayeux tapestry! 
Their grandad loves history and has been quizzing them to find out what they have learnt. 

This is wonderful, girls!  Well done and thank you for sharing with us.  blush

Frankie's Amazing Activities! 😍

Frankie misses all of his teachers and friends at school.  He has been working really hard on his school work and is currently learning his  2/5/10 times table, practising additions and subtractions.  He has also carried out several science experiments and made good progress with his reading and phonics.  Other activities include planting 2 orange trees in pots for the garden, building a sandpit out of old wood and toasting marshmallows on a camp fire he made with his dad.  Frankie keeps his family entertained with his stories whilst being in fancy dress character. This week, Frankie is looking forward to getting his globe out to learn about continents and oceans.  

Wow, Frankie!  You have been busy!  Thank you so much for sharing your lovely activities with us!  blushyes

😀Eleanor's Wonderful Activities! 🦕

Eleanor had a fun and busy week last week learning about dinosaurs.  She read Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs and Dinosaur, made Dino land and rescued dinosaurs from frozen eggs using salt, hot water and a hammer!  She has also been counting using number cubes and playing phonics and cvc word games.  Wow, Eleanor!  You have been been a busy bee! Well done! 🐝yeslaugh

Eva: Chopsticks 🎹

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👍This is great, Eva! Well done and thank you for sharing with us!😍

Lewis' WWII soldier mosaic art - this looks wonderful, Lewis! 😀

Archie has been busy this week looking at Romans. He really enjoyed making his own shield and gladius! Great job, Archie!😀 🛡

😍Scarlett's wonderful work! Well done, Scarlett! This all looks fantastic! 👍

Cora's Activities 😍

Cora has been busy planting bulbs, baking brownies, making fruit kebabs, growing a rainbow, painting pictures, making Lego models and exercising with P.E. with Joe. To name a few!  

Cora says ‘hi’ to all her friends and teachers and can’t wait to be back. 

This all looks lovely, Cora!  Thank you so much for sharing with us! blush

Juliet's Great Fire of London News Article.🔥 Great job, Juliet!😀

Eva has had a busy week again. She has enjoyed learning about objects that float and sink. She has continued her naturalist learning about insects, writing a fact sheet on butterflies. She has also kept a weather chart for the week. She has continued her daily exercise which she enjoys. She has enjoyed learning about perimeter and continued to apply her measurements learning with cooking. She made some delicious chocolate chip cookies. She has also really enjoyed learning about the Romans. She wrote an article about ‘life in the Roman army’ and got very creative making her very own Roman shield. 

So lovely to hear (and see) all you've been doing, Eva!  You certainly have been busy! Thank you so much for sharing! blush

Lyndon's Bird Box. 🦜😃

Lyndon has made a bird box from scratch, using an old pallet!  He sanded it down, measured everything himself and cut the pieces.  WOW! Lyndon, this is incredible!  Well done! yeslaugh

Jamie has been learning about gravity. 😀

Jamie’s been having fun learning about gravity and balance, using a zip line and some  k’nex 😄

This does look great fun, Jamie! 

Jamie's Gravity Investigations #1

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This looks such fun,Jamie! Thanks so much for sharing with us! 😀

Jamie's Gravity Investigation #2

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That's one brave teddy! 😀

Keira's World War II Work 😀

Keira has been making World War 2 ration Oaty biscuits, as well as writing a diary entry as an evacuee. Keira said to tell Mrs Colvin that the biscuits were very tasty!

Fantastic, Keira!  blush

Henry's Activities 😃 🏞🏕

Henry's daily exercise includes a river walk.  He has been learning about the differences between frog and toad spawn and looking at  algae and photosynthesis.

He's also been camping in his garden.

This all looks great, Henry!  Thank you for sharing with us. blush

Reiss' Great Fire of London Timeline. Looks great, Reiss! 🔥

Flower Dissection and Art! 🌷🌺

Anya's Activities

Anya has been really busy at home!  So lovely to see you in your school uniform, Anya! Well done for all the work you've been doing.  We hear you've even been writing some Cleopatra diary entries - wow! Thank you so much for sharing your activities with us. yesheartblush

Maizie has been so busy!  She decorated an Easter bonnet during the holidays - how beautiful it looks - Mrs Pye will be thrilled with your sewing skills, Maizie! She has also been making toilet tube unicorns, riding her bike a lot and making tea (your meals look delicious, by the way!).  Wonderful, Maizie!  Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful achievements with us! yesheartblush

Niamh is horrified to discover children were caned in Victorian times!

Year 1, what else have you discovered about the Victorians? cool

😍Niamh's Writing

Niamh has just finished her story for today and wanted to show everybody... she’s also decorated the page with some toys! 

Great job, Niamh!  Thanks so much for sharing with us. Keep up the good work! 😍

😍Eva's Achievements

Eva has been really busy!  She has been continuing to learn about Egyptians, Andy Warhol pop art, lots of maths, lots of reading and has enjoyed making banana loaf and learning all about weight and measuring. She has enjoyed lots of PE lessons: biking, running, dancing and T25 workouts. She has been getting very creative and then enjoyed the Easter holidays. Eva really misses school, teachers and her friends but hopes everyone is happy, healthy and enjoying themselves. 😊❤️

Thank you so much, Eva, for sharing all of your activities and achievements; you have certainly been busy!  Great stuff! yesheart

Jessica and Emily's Activities 😃

As well as work from school, Jessica and Emily  have been learning woodwork with their dad and have also planted some peas and sunflower seeds.  yes

Girls, your woodwork looks seriously impressive!  Well done and thank you so much for sharing with us. heart

Mr Sticky Stickerson and Family Update from Emily! 😍

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Emily, thank you so much for updating us on how the Year 2 stick insects are getting on! You're very confident with them! Good job!

😍Eleanor's Wonderful Work!

Eleanor had a busy week learning about animals last week.
She learnt the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals, how we care for different animals, filled in the missing items on the play doh mats, drew a pet for sale poster and we set up a pet shop learning the value of money.
We also made some bubble art pictures and found objects that float and sink.
This week we are learning about dinosaurs 🦕 

WOW! Eleanor, you certainly have been busy!  Thank you so much for sharing all of your lovely work with us! 😍 

Amy's Achievements! 😍

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Thanks so much, Amy, for sharing your wonderful achievements with us! It's great to see you having so much fun!😀

😍Amy's Achievements!

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Dance #2.😃

Amy's Achievements! 😍

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Outdoor fun and laughter!😀

Harry's Poetry Recital

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A fantastic performance, Harry! Well done and thanks so much for sharing it with us! 😍

Juliet's Wonderful Reading 📚 😍

Juliet has been a reading star since school closed. She is on page 467 of the Magic Faraway Tree collection by Enid Blyton, she absolutely loves the story and we keep looking for the tree when we go on walks, but watching out in case Moonface let’s down the rope and it hits us, or Dame Washalot does her washing and throws the water on us, she loves soaking people, she soaked the angry pixie at least 4 times! She has such a wonderful imagination.

Attached is a photo of where she is up to.

This is fabulous, Juliet!! What a superstar you are! Thanks so much for sharing with usheart

Spring Flower Planting at School

🧁Ethan's Baking 😍

Over Easter, Ethan and Cameron have been enjoying baking for their friends and neighbours. On Easter Sunday Ethan made a batch of chocolate crispy cakes which he secretly delivered to his neighbours, whilst on the 19th April Cameron independently baked cookies for his friends and those who work in the NHS ♥. Ethan has been using his maths skills to weigh out the ingredients.  This is wonderful, boys!  Well done to you both for helping your local community; we are so proud of you! heartblush

Making the most of the ☀️

Well done to Scott for a great France PowerPoint in school on Monday! C'est magnifique! 😀🇫🇷

Millie produced a fabulous France PowerPoint in school on Monday! Bravo, Millie! 🇫🇷😍

🇫🇷Leo learnt to use PowerPoint on Monday and found some wonderful France pictures - well done, Leo! 😀

Isobel's wonderful France PowerPoint made in school on Monday. Formidable, Isobel! 😀🇫🇷

Charlotte produced a lovely PowerPoint all about France in school on Monday - c'est fantastique, Charlotte! 😍

DT Project at School

These table football games look wonderful!  Well done to all children in school on Friday who made one! yes blush

Lyndon's Bayeux Tapestry Art. Fantastic! 😃👍

Ethan and Cameron's #campathome - this looks like great fun! 😃

Frankie's Work 😃

Frankie has been really busy!  He has sent us a picture of a book review he has written and a bug hunt he went on with his little sister during their daily exercise.  Thanks so much for sharing with us, Frankie!  Keep up the good work! smiley

Louisa's Activities 😍🔭

Louisa's Dad has been showing her how to use a telescope and a spirit level! She has also being reading to her big brother to keep him happy 💙 Fantastic, Louisa! 

Spring Night and Spring Poem by Charlotte. Wonderful! Thank you, Charlotte! 😍🌱🌄

Karolina's poetry recital

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This is wonderful, Karolina! Well done! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. 😍😀

Lyndon's alternative story ending. Well done, Lyndon! Thank you for sharing it with us. 😍

Lyndon has been making banana loaf. Looks delicious, Lyndon! Well done! 😍

Harri's bean plant, which he has been repotting and nurturing. Good job, Harri! 🌱😀

Harri has been learning Tamil, the mother tongue of his family. This is wonderful, Harri! Well done! 😀

Lily's Easter bunny sketch. Wow! This is fabulous, Lily! Well done! 😍🐰

Lewis has created a lovely lego window for the NHS - fantastic job, Lewis! We love it! 😍

Fun at school this week: Wednesday

Rachel's Easter news report

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We love Rachel's video explaining how Easter is celebrated around the world - so confident and professional! Well done, Rachel, and thank you for sharing with us. 😍
Rachel would like to wish all of the staff and children who go to Edisford a Happy Easter. Happy Easter to you too, Rachel! ❤️

Olive's lettuce Easter egg entry - love it, Olive! How creative! 😍

Rachel's Easter bunny sketch - great job, Rachel! We love the 'egg' jokes! 🐰😍

Sophie and Emily have been working hard on their bunny sketch competition entries, as well as working on an Easter garden together. Well done, girls! Beautiful!🐰 😍

Melody's Poetry Recital

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Well done, Melody! Great job! We love your smile prop! 😀

Spencer's Poetry Recital

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Wonderful, Spencer! Well done for a very accomplished performance! 😍

Eleanor's Easter Eggs! These are eggcellent, Eleanor! 😍

Keira's Easter Bunny! Beautiful! 🐰

Holly's Easter Bunny! Gorgeous! 🐰

Rachel's Poetry Recital

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We are extremely impressed with your performance, Rachel! We love the use of an assistant and props! Very well done! 😊😍

Kimberley from Nursery has been practising writing her name, tracing lines and shapes, finding the tallest activity, numbers and counting. Well done, Kimberley!😀

Isabelle has been very busy! Well done, Izzy! 😀

Iz has been reading and doing her phonics everyday, done some work in her homework book and been doing some of a Year 1 workbook she got for her birthday. She’s also been doing PE with Joe Wicks, cosmic yoga, planted some sunflower seeds, made a mini wildlife pond and made a bird house. Wow, how busy you've been! 😀

Olive's Wonderful Work! 😀

Mysterious Discovery in School!

On Tuesday, children made an intriguing discovery in the School Hall!  It looked very much as if a mysterious creature (a bird? a dragon? a dinosaur?) had made a cosy nest for its eggs... There was much discussion as to what our mysterious creature could be.  A few children thought possibly a giant owl, whilst others wondered about a devilish pigeon of doom or a dinosaur!  They had great fun writing about their ideas and creating some artwork of their chosen creature. Children also worked together to produce some stained glass window artwork.  Lovely to see you all! blush

Olive's Poetry Recital

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This is fabulous, Olive! Thank you so much for sharing with us! 😀

Keira in Year 3 has written a newspaper article about planting a Hazel tree - great job, Keira! 😀

Aalia has been very busy at home! That brownie looks delicious, Aalia! 😀

Day 3 of Theo's Diary 😀

Sam's Poetry Recital

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We love Sam's recital of Smiling is Infectious! Thanks also to his baby sister, Molly, for joining in now and again! Great job, Sam! 😀

Day 2 of Theo's Diary!

Theo has decided to start a diary of his time at home - here's day one! He has chosen photos of what he's been up to as well. What a great idea, Theo!

Harri's Police Alarm Circuit! Wow!

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Harri has been working on circuits lately. We think his police alarm circuit is great! Well done, Harri! 😀

Rosie-May's Wonderful Work!

We're so impressed with everything you've done, Rosie-May!  We particularly love your poem!  Very well done! blush

Lydia's Poetry Recital

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Lydia, your recital of 'Smiling is Infectious' is absolutely fabulous! You are certainly doing your part to pass the smile along! Thank you so much for sharing.😀

Jack's Shakespeare Sonnet Work! Fantastic, Jack!

Jack has been learning about WW2 in an online lesson tour around a secret underground bunker in Liverpool, PE with Joe Wicks, a Q&A love session with animal adventurer Steve Backshall and learnt a bit about Shakespeare with a teacher called Hollie on Facebook. He learnt about sonnets and alternate rhyme schemes which he put in to practice here.  He's done lots and lots of drawing too. He created a rainbow with chalk outside the house. 

Wow, Jack!  You've been so busy!  Thank you for sharing with us. smiley


Teddy, it warms our hearts to see you wearing your school uniform this weekend!  We can't wait to all be back together again in our school community! smileyheart

Eleanor from Reception has been doing lots of science experiments! This looks great fun, Eleanor!

Eleanor asked to do some experiments this weekend. We have had lots of fun making volcanoes with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, seeing how high Coke shot out of a bottle once mentos were added. We made a cloud with shaving foam and timed how long the rain (food colouring) took to fall through and then made dancing men with dry wipe markers and water. 


Eleanor, we love the dancing men idea! smiley

Harri has certainly been busy! Great job, Harri!

Sophie and Emily have been busy making play dough dragons and then writing labels and captions about them!

Charlie's Poetry Recital

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Charlie, you have done a fantastic job of your 'Smiling is Infectious' poetry recital! You have certainly made us smile! Thank you! 😃

Lenny's World War II artwork looks amazing! Well done, Lenny!

Harry from Reception has been learning all about castles! We love your sword and coat of arms, Harry!

Harry from Reception would like to show everyone that he has been making special coats of arms and a sword. We have been reading books about castles as Harry had really enjoyed learning about it at school. This is great, Harry! smiley

Georgie and Maddie working hard doing comprehension and making posters. Maddie's is facts about Pandas and Georgie's is how to make Pizza. These look amazing, girls! Well done!

Henry doing lovely writing, practising cvc words and phonics games - great job, Henry!

Rachel (Year 4) and Kimberley (Nursery) making two lots of yummy quick bake gluten and dairy free soda bread on their own - great job, girls!

Some fab maths work from Amina and Isa!

Great SPAG work by Isa!
