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Edisford Primary School

Confidence. Persistence. Getting Along. Organisation. Resilience.

Young Enterprise Endeavour Badge

To earn their Young Enterprise badge, pupils set up their own companies and learn the fundamentals of making a business work.  Our young entrepreneurs receive a loan from school, which they must use to bring their project to fruition - reimbursing the loan with a small interest rate!


The Young Enterprise process:


  • Introduction to enterprise.
  • Company structures; team building; personal characteristics.
  • Research and Development.
  • Market Research.
  • Purchasing; budgeting.
  • Prototypes; testing.
  • Production; quality control.
  • Advertising and promotion.
  • Sales.


Companies have organised a range of different events over the years: School Sale; Fun Day; MacMillan Cancer Support Fundraiser; School Disco.  Ventures have been highly successful and profitable!


Autumn 2019


This term, our young entrepreneurs are setting up a variety of new and exciting ventures:


*they worked with our new Friends of Edisford parent group on the Family Quiz Night in October, making a scrumptious selection of sweetie cones to sell.


*they are selling toast at break-times during the week.  This is enormously popular, as seen in the photos below, with stocks selling like hot cakes (or should that be hot toast?!).


We look forward to seeing what other enterprising ideas you all have up your sleeves!



Fun Afternoon Preparation June 2019

Take a look below to see some snapshots of the Key Stage 2 Fun Day on 28th June, 2018.  A great time was had by all!