Wishing our school community a wonderful summer break!
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Edisford Primary School

Confidence. Persistence. Getting Along. Organisation. Resilience.

People Skills/Community Endeavour Badge

Having good People Skills is an essential part of getting along in life.  Our People Skills badge is geared towards developing a range of life skills that will serve children well in many situations - now and in later life.


Here are just a few of the topics and activities covered in this badge:


  • Peer pressure; substance abuse.
  • Visiting local community groups and residential care homes
  • Recycling issues within the local community
  • Bullying; self-esteem.
  • Personal hygiene.
  • Home skills, such as sewing, washing, ironing, cleaning shoes.
  • Looking after the school environment.
  • Manners; table etiquette.
  • Cooking.
  • Outing to a local café.

School Year 2022/2023

This term's Y5 and Year 6 People Skills group have been planning nutritious menus and comparing prices.  As part of this topic they visited Aldi supermarket where they shopped for the ingredients for their dishes.  

Year 3 and 4 made apple crumble with apples grown in a local garden.  It tasted delicious!!

Year 3 and 4 People Skills group made houmous and vegetable sticks, learning skills such as peeling, cutting and blending. 

School Year 2019/2020

As part of a new community recycling venture, Community Endeavours visited Refillution in Clitheroe. 
Visit to Castle View House, Clitheroe.

School Year 2018/19

Baking 20th June, 2019

This week, the People Skills group have been learning to spell their name in Braille. What a fantastic achievement!
We are so proud of our Year 3/4 People Skills group, whose recent food bank initiative provided 317 meals for those in need!  Well done, everyone and thank you to all parents and families who donated to this worthy cause.

Food Bank Donation

In People Skills this term, we decided to help the local community by organising a charitable donation to the Ribble Valley Food Bank.  We are so grateful to you all for your kind donations.  As you can see, the response has been overwhelming!  Mrs Darnell made the delivery on Friday 9th November. smiley