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Edisford Primary School

Confidence. Persistence. Getting Along. Organisation. Resilience.

Tech Guru Endeavour Badge

This brand new and exciting tech badge was launched in September 2018 for Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6) children.


The badge aims to encompass a range of computing, digital literacy and e-Safety elements and already promises to be code-crackingly good fun!  Take a look below at some of the coding projects children have worked on so far.

Children in the Tech Guru group have explored the use of Textease Turtle as a programming language this term by:


* annotating their work using the correct language

* analysing code to weed out bugs and errors (debugging)

* tinkering* to explore the effects of different commands; using trial and improvement

* writing procedures and sub-procedures to create more complex patterns and shapes

* creating their own variables to draw shapes of any size


*Tinkering is a fantastic way for children to see that our use of technology is about developing understanding rather than getting things right first time.  Tinkering builds persistence and resilience.  In tinkering, we look at things from many different perspectives and may even try things that seem impossible - just to see what will happen.  These are the signs of truly enquiring minds.


Examples of their work can be seen in the slideshow above.

Children have also explored the use of the 'Scratch' programming language to customise the Google logo for special events they have imagined.


As you can see, some extremely creative designs were coded! 
